Saturday, December 20, 2008

Decisions, decisions......

Someone hasn't been keeping up with their blog.......

Hypothetical situation:

Two students are in the same class. Both are seniors and have applied to colleges that require passing your class.

Student A has consistently performed to the best of his ability but unfortunately cannot get higher than a 50% on tests. Student A attends tutor sessions, does all his homework, asks questions in class, and has a strong work ethic. Because of his hard work, he's averaging a 58% overall in the class (tests account for a large part of the grade).

Student B has a very weak work ethic. Homework is rarely completed. Attendance and tardies are a problem. Student B sleeps during class and comes to class unprepared. However his test scores are 65% . But because he has terrible work habits, he also is averaging a 58% in the class.

Who do you think (if any) is going to pass?