Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Am I writing this with the understanding that other people are going to be reading it? And if that's the case, will what I put down be what I truly believe or will it be what I want others to believe about me?
What should I share that would provide the most information about myself? I could tell you about my job but it changes from day to day. I could tell you about my life, but it's not finished yet. I could tell you about my hopes but I bet they're the same as yours. Should I tell you about my dreams?....nah, that would require me waking up.
What would you like to know that I haven't told you already?

...Everything that has ever been written, has been read at least once.....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

First Time

I have no idea what to put here, and because of that I'm able to write this short note.